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Azita Sassanian

Born in 1961 in Tehran, living in Helsingborg.

Works in painting and ceramics.

Educated in Fine Arts at the University of Oregon, USA 1982-86, Graphic design and illustration at RMI Bergs in Stockholm 1993 and design technology at KY in Helsingborg 2004.

Selected exhibitions - University of Oregon 1982, Italian Embassy in Tehran (collective exhibition) 1986, Galleri Gamla stan, Helsingborg 1995 and 1996, Vikingsberg Art Museum, Helsingborg 1995, Helsingborg Concert Hall 2004, Höganäs Museum 2005, Vens Kulturcenter 2006, Galleri KKV 2006 and 2007 , Klippan's art gallery 2010, Kullasalonen at Krapperup (Höganäs) 2011 and Galleri Moment, Ängelholm 2011.

Member, among others, of KIF, Sweden's Artisans and Industrial Designers and Författarcentrum-Syd and Skåne's Writers' Society.

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