Anna Törnquist
Born 1957. Lives and works in Gothenburg and Baskemölla, Österlen.
Paints watercolors and works as an architect SAR/MSA.
Board member of the Nordic Watercolor Society.
Educated at Chalmers, Gothenburg and through various courses in watercolour, tempera, oil and acrylic. He now holds his own watercolor courses in Baskemölla, among other places.
Juried exhibitions - Watercolor Salon at Väsby Konsthall, Upplands Väsby (2004, 2005) and 15th Salon International de la peinture à l'eau, Tregastel, France (2004).
Anna has had more than thirty exhibitions since 2001, when she exhibited at Frillesås cultural centre. Other exhibitions she has held include at Backa Kulturhus, TVhuset, Stadsbyggnadkontoret and Galleri Rita in Gothenburg, Stadshuskuben and Galleri Flamingo in Falkenberg, Galleri Svarta Soffan and Galleri Terseus in Stockholm, Biblioteksgalleriet in Båstad, Bærum Art Association in Norway, Annaborg in Hillerød , Denmark, Ljungby library and the Flaménska Gallery in Borås.
Collection exhibitions in selection - Heagården art gallery, Halmstad, Galleri Olsson and Uddenberg, Gothenburg, Röda Sten, Konstrundan in Majorna, Galleri Ängeln in Lund, Galleri Holma art in Höör and Hörby museum.