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Anna Johansson Stenberg

Born 1976 in Åby. Lives and works in Stockholm.

Education: Ålsta Folkhögskola, image line 95-96, Pernby's painting school 96-98, Gerlesborgsskolan, Stockholm 98-99, Grafikskolan in Stockholm 05-07 and Royal Academy of Arts, copper graphics 11-12.

Exhibitions, separate and collective exhibitions: Galleri Färg & Form, Eskilstuna 95 (Sep), Galleri Oden, Stockholm 99, Galleri Hedlund, Stockholm 02, Götene Konstförening 03 (Sep), Konstpausen Ekerö 04 (Sep,) Galleri Helle Knudsen, Stockholm 07, Aktersalongen, Nordens Ljus, Stockholm 07 (Sep), Grafikskolans gallery, Sthlm 07 (Sep).

More exhibitions: Galleri Herrekiperingen, Sthlm 08 (Sep), National Police Board, Sthlm 08, Plan 1, Sthlm 08 (Sep), Karby Gård, Täby 09 (Sep) Fullersta Gård, Huddinge 09 (Sep), Grafiska Sällskapet, 100-year anniversary, Sthlm 10, Soya Konstrum, Sthlm 10 (Sep), Grafikgalleriet på Konstnärshuset, Sthlm 11 (Sep), Art in Karlstad 12 (Sep), Konstnärshuset, Sthlm 12, Soya Konstrum, Sthlm 12, Nordic Light, Sthlm, project students graphics department 12.

Other: Artist of the year 2011, Konstnärshusets Vänner. Illustrations for the project T451 in collaboration with Domenique Gonzalez-Foerster and the composer Ari Benjamin Myers at Tensta Konsthall 2012, produced by Stockholms konst.

Represented in the National Art Council and in various county council and municipal gatherings.

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