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André Bongibault

Born 1945, lives in Avallon, France.

Painter and graphic artist, trained at l'Ecole Estienne gravure section, Paris

Professor and director of the graphics section at l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Chaville (1977-2008) Since 2008 director of l'Atelier de gravure de l'Estampe de Chaville.

Over the years, André Bongibault has been awarded a number of prizes for his graphics, most recently this year (2016) when he received the Grand Prix Léon Georges Baudry de la Fondation Taylor. He received the Médaillle d'Argent at the first graphics biennale in Beijing in 2003 and the same year a prize at the graphics triennial in Krakow, Poland. He has also received prizes at biennials and triennials in Taipei, Tokyo and Bayeux (France) and other places as well as a Grand Prix at the biennial in Bhopal, India in 1997.

He has had solo exhibitions in galleries and institutions, apart from Paris and France, also in China, (Shenyang and Canton), Germany, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium.

There has also been participation in a long series of group exhibitions, biennials and triennials over the years - in France, China, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Macedonia, Belgium, Czech Republic, USA, England, Poland, Japan, Italy, Germany and other countries.

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